Nutrition Info

Contains up to 4 times more CLA’s (Conjugated Linoleic Acids) than found in the milk of conventional fed cows. CLA, a cancer fighting agent, is an essential fatty acid (found in the butter fat of milk) and is not produced by the human body.
Has more balanced levels of Omega 6 and Omega 3
Also contains an increased level of Beta-Carotene and Natural Vitamins A and D.
Our cows are grass fed
Easy movement of cows from the barn to grazing pastures (over 5,000 feet of geo-textile roads)
Natural shade and water provided in all 29 pastures
Cows are not confined and are allowed to graze high quality forage
No injections of growth hormone or fed antibiotics
Easy management of cows while milking
Cow health is more important than production
Happy Cow Creamery GUARANTEES our milk to be rBGH Free
Non-confined, non-stressing (happy) grazing cows produce higher levels of CLA’s (conjugated linoelic acid)
Higher levels of Beta-carotene and natural vitamin D
Milk travels only 48 feet and pumped one time in processing
“Old-timey” low-temp vat pasteurization which is more protective to the natural enzymes in milk compared to UHT milk
Our milk is NOT homogenized; cream rises to the top (homogenized milk-the fat cells are broken into small particles which can cause health problems)
Our milk is kept cold, fresh and tasty (38 degrees or lower)
Utah State University ran a fatty acid profile on Happy Cow Creamery. Our milk has considerable more CLA, (almost twice as much) than the milk from Organic Pastures Dairy Co. in CA.) The CLA content was 1.2% of the fat composition, which is excellent.
Pastures are planted with forages which enrich the natural milk making process
No chemicals on pastures
No fertilizers on pastures except our natural compost
Soil is rich in natural minerals (the earthworms and micro-organisms are alive and well)
Soil samples call for NO inputs
We believe in protecting the environment; soil, water, and air
We use sustainable farming practices*
*National Winner: The Patrick Madden Award for the Sustainable Farmer of the Year, 2002
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education